Fashion Lifestyle Travel

Why a Blogger goes to NYFW


There is a lot of glitz and glam surrounding NYFW, but I think there is even more questions. The parties and fun seem endless, but if you find yourself sitting behind a screen asking why would a blogger want/need to go to this week full of fashion and frills; let me take a second to answer a few questions I think you might have.

What is the benefit for a blogger/influencer to go to NYFW?

The most important thing anyone can do in their filed of interest, in my opinion, is network. Early on during my experience at Ole Miss, I had a dear friend tell me that she was at college to 1. learn 2. network and 3. have fun. I wouldn’t necessarily say I made that the order of my priorities, but I definitely listened to his advice, and made those my top three as well. This has served me well in my adult life as well. New York Fashion Week for me is the best time of year to network with those in my industry. You have so many people under one umbrella. I try and take advantage of that, and their willingness during this time to meet up.


You say you are going to meetings. What type and with who?

After you have networked, I think the next natural step is to set up in person meetings. No matter how many emails you send back and forth, an in person meeting will always be way better. Personal connections go a long way in the fashion world. These meetings will be with brand reps, pr agencies, companies who might be potential clients, and more.


What do you do when you go to a “showroom?”

Designers/brands have things called showrooms. In these rooms they house their products for the current season, the next season and possibly the season after that. A few things happen in these meetings. If you have a close relationship with a brand you might be there to pull pieces you would like to take pictures in over the next few months. If the items are not out and being previewed, you might be choosing those items in advance; they will then ship them to you right before they launch. If you are just getting to know the brand they will show you around give you an over view of the brand, share all about their pieces, and possibly get your feed back on them to then share with the designer. Show room visits are one of my favorites. I get so inspired, and fired up to create new content in these beautiful pieces.


Do you go to runway shows; and if so how?

Runway shows are great, but really more beneficial to buyers then bloggers. Though we do love to pop in them if possible; they can sometimes be time consuming, and not profitable when it comes to trying to maximizing your time while in the city. I will try to go to a handful, but not many more then that. You get invited through several channels. PR agencies are the main way, directly through a designer if you have a relationship with the brand. The best way though is through a personal connection. They are always the strongest and most reliable when trying to obtain a ticket to a show.


Why have photoshoot while there?

Part of being a blogger is sometimes telling your story though pictures. The best way for me to be able to share my complete NYFW experience with you all it to snap some shots along the way. Im lucky enough to have my blogger babe Megan and my photographer and friend MK with me to capture the fun.


Fashion Week is a hustle… it’s one of the hardest working weeks of the year for me. We do extensive planning before we go, and make a lot happen while we are there. BUT it’s also a blast! I have met so many amazing people, who I now call friends, from simply being around for the best that NYFW has to offer.

If you are a blogger and thinking about going to fashion week in the spring (February) I have a few pieces of advice that might help you.

-find a few friends to go with. It’s more fun being a part of a crew and also helps when sharing contacts. You get to cover more ground and make some amazing memories while doing it.

-hotels are very picky when it comes to work with bloggers during this week. If you are used to working with hotels, and can’t find one who wants to… don’t get discouraged. It’s likely you might have to pay for one. That’s totally ok, again find a few friends a split it!

– Plan ahead!!! I can’t say this enough. Get in touch with your contacts ahead of time. Don’t wait until two weeks before to reach out when they are getting bombarded by everyone else. It is also ok to cold email brands. You never know who might respond with a yes!

-February (spring NYFW) is a great one to go to if its your first. There is a fashion week in the spring and the fall. It’s much smaller in the spring, and you can possibly attain more invites this way. I’ve done both, and really enjoyed aspects of both.

If  you have any questions feel free to comment below, and I will get back to you with some answers.




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  • Reply
    September 10, 2018 at 11:40 pm

    Thank you for answering these questions!!! I love the hustle that goes along with this, and it has been a dream of mine to go to New York since I was a little girl! As someone who is launching my blog, it is right up there at the top of my list to go to fashion week at least once!!

    • Reply
      Collins Tuohy Smith
      September 17, 2018 at 6:54 pm

      I honestly believe if you can swing it budget wise every blogger should try to attend fashion week at least once. It is such a great experience and you learn so much about the industry!

  • Reply
    Lauren Cox
    September 11, 2018 at 3:11 am

    I have been dabbling with possibly getting into the blogging world. I’m currently a buyer for an auto company in Memphis and I also have my own boutique. I’ve put it on hold while I dove into my “big girl” job and haven’t had a chance to revamp. I’m hoping to do that soon, but I’m the meantime I feel so disconnected from fashion, accessories, and so much of the things I truly love. Do you think the market is too saturated with bloggers/influencers? Or is there still a need? Also, any advice to newcomers to trying to dive into the industry?

    • Reply
      Collins Tuohy Smith
      September 17, 2018 at 6:53 pm

      No not at all! I think as long as you are true to yourself and bring something uniquely you people will respond to that. Advice on diving into the blogging would would be: It is hard work and a lot of hustle. You have to love being creative as much as you love fashion. Think about what sets you a part from other people and run with that. High light your strengths and don’t compare yourself to others journey in the blogging world!

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