
My New Obsession with HelloFresh!



I have stated many times, in a joking way, that cooking is really not my thing. No REALLY …not my thing. In all seriousness, I genuinely sort of despise the whole process beginning with the grocery. I do however love the act of eating meals with those you love, and everyone gathering around the kitchen while the meal is being prepared. With HelloFresh I have found my perfect happy medium. This amazing company cuts all the hassle out of the mundane part of the cooking experience.


First, they have taken the lengthy decision making step out. If you’re like me, and don’t know a ton about cooking, deciding what to make is literally the worst. I spend more time trying to find a recipe then actually cooking. I know… sad. No more scouring the web for healthy, simple, recipes that everyone will like, or me calling my grandmother (wink wink my mom doesn’t even know how to turn her oven on… guess I come by it honestly ha). HelloFresh emails you the week before with all new, and exciting meal options. You can narrow it down by allergies, dietary restrictions, or simple likes and dislikes. You can also select the amount of people you need to cook for. They save all this info, and generate amazingness for you to pick from every week.


Second, a happy box is sitting at your door step for you with all the items you need to prepare your meal. It’s packaged neatly on ice ready for you to begin the cooking process. No need to ever step foot in a grocery again!! Welllll at least not for these meals 😉


Lastly, You can go right to the HelloFresh app on your phone, and it provides you with step by step cooking instructions, and a simple break down for how to prepare your meal. No more large cook books cluttering your counter. Most meals take less then 30 minutes, and every meal I have made (with massive help from my husband, check out my insta story to see us making our first meal) have been delicious.

I by no means am cooking every night of the week, but it has been a really nice change of pace to enjoy some time with the hubby in the kitchen, and make a meal together that we know is both healthy and delicious!!

And don’t forget you can get a $30 discount on your first box for those of you who sign up by clicking here and enter COLLINS30 when you check out!! (limited availability while supplies last)

Now go get your chef on!

Happy Cooking!



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